Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Web 2.0--Is it a good thing?

As we discussed today, one of the main things that makes Web 2.0 different is that it's now very easy for anyone to add content to the web. You don't need to know how to write code in order to create a webpage, or a blog, or post pictures and video of your cat doing adorable things.

Do you think this is always a good thing? What are the positives to people being able to easily share information? Are there downsides to everyone being able to so easily share and post information? How would your life be different if you didn't have some of the Web 2.0 tools we use so often?

Please post a response; I encourage you to respond to or expand upon the comments your classmates have made.


  1. I think that this is a very good way of sharing information. The positives of being able to share information are that you can help people around the world that need an answer. There are a few downsides because people on the internet could post information that is not true and then someone would take that. So, it is not so secure about whom is allowed to add what they want, but some people just take what they get.

  2. I agree on the web having positive parts and negative parts being so ez to use. The good things id say are that every one that wants to can and with more minds theirs more ideas. But the down side would seem that theirs more inaccurate information and viruses and ezer for a thief to get info on some one with out them knowing.if it was harder to use less wood use it and technology probably wood not progress as fast.

  3. In My Opinion it could Be a Good and Bad thing. It's Easier to Put out Information and Shear it with the World. But one of the Bad things is that it Might Be the wrong information or if it your own personal information People could take it for Identity theft.

  4. its a double edged sword. on one side it makes things easier in life. dont need to go to the mall to get stuff. on the other side you have to plug in personal information to get it including your credit card what makes it easier to be stolen. along with the fact that if your alive your some where on the internet aswell.

  5. Excellent work. You all mentioned the idea that people give up some of their privacy with more and more information available on the web. How comfortable do you think people are with giving up privacy? Are people too casual with their private information? Should we be willing to give up some privacy (not financial information, obviously) in order to increase the sharing of information?

  6. i believe that whether people realize it or not people give out to much personal information with out even thinking about it. it's very common to buy things off the web with out a second thought. honestly i think if it gets any more open our identities will be out in the open to be taken by other people. i think it should become more strict on what you should share. the web has all ur information and if you know where to look.

  7. I do agree also with Bryan that people obliviously give out info. I think some protection would be ok but not much. some people are way to generous but this is America. Its your own falt if you give some thef your credit card number. If it becomes a massive problem that means we have tons of fools on computers. With big enough demand private company's will grow that offer protection by paying a fee. With iny luck hopfaly i hope the government wont step in.
